Bourges, France Cathedral

September 27, 2014 by  
Filed under Travel for everyone

Notre Dame in Paris has nothing on this cathedral in Bourges, France.St-Etienne Cathedral, Bourges, France St-Etienne Cathedral is just as beautiful as Notre Dame (that is my humble opinion) AND it has one huge advantage over Notre Dame.

What may that be, you ask?

Answer: Well, St-Etienne does not have the huge crowds and long line-ups waiting to get in.

So, join us on a pictorial tour of our relaxed visit in the cathedral in Bourges.

Interior of Bourges' Cathedral

Interior of Bourges Cathedral

One brochure calls the windows “a rare treasury of stained glass”.

Bourges Cathedral

Bourges Cathedral

It continues saying “the Bourges windows majesterially respond to the medieval quest for an interplay of light and stone that makes the edifice come alive.”

Stained glass  St-Etienne Cathedral

Stained glass
St-Etienne Cathedral

In addition to the beauty of the windows there is an historic astronomic clock, made in the 15th century, that had a margin of error of only one second in 150 years. Not bad, eh.

15th century clock, Bourges, France

15th century clock, Bourges, France

And for a special treat “follow the blue lights” as you take a walk through Bourges to see the night illuminations. They are wonderful (again that’s my humble opinion).

St-Etienne Cathedral

St-Etienne Cathedral

Click here to see more of the cathedral lit up at night.

Click here to see more of Bourges.

Click here to see La Palais Jacques Coeur.

And here is one last glimpse of the beauty of the stain glass in the cathedral.

Cathedral in Bourges, France

Cathedral in Bourges, France

Happy travels!

Oh…to visit other regions of France, click here.


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