Llandudno, Wales
September 13, 2013 by Helen
Filed under Travel information
Back in Victorian times, when one wanted to take a holiday at the seaside, a popular choice was Llandudno. Being within travelling distance of London and the west of England must have factored into that choice, but I suspect the long gently curved beach (rocky though it is) was the main draw. This view is from the Great Orme.
Those of us who live in the 21 century can still experience what it must have been like to visit the seashore in Victorian times. So…let’s do it.
Today we are in North Wales in the resort community of Llandudno where the Promenade, the Pier, and the lovely white Victorian hotels along the Promenade have not changed much (at least visually) in the last hundred years.
The Promenade follows the gentle curve of the shoreline. Along this long, wide walkway there is room for hundreds of people walking with their pets, with their friends, with their families…just as it was in Victorian times.
Today there even is a band playing in the gazebo…much like a band would have played in years gone by. Only today the audience is dressed in everything from shorts to sun dresses. I can imagine an audience filled with ladies in long dresses carrying their parasols, and gentleman in their three piece suits complete with pocket watch and stiff starched collars. They would be rolling their eyes in disbelief at the casualness of the present day audience.
Jutting way out into the bay is The Pier. It was built in the late 1800s so it is easy to imagine oneself strolling with formally dressed families as they took their strolls in Victorian times. Today our attire is much more casual but the walk will be much the same…breeze coming off the water, carnival booths, food vendors serving hot dogs and other goodies, nodding our greetings to others on the Pier.
- Perhaps Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge walk this pier while at the nearby RAF Search and Rescue.
Very refreshing to be out here on a hot day. It is also pleasing to the eye. Blue and white compliments the scene so well, don’t you think. That’s the Little Orme in the distance. (Some say it looks like a sleeping elephant with its trunk extending out into the water.)
This view from the pier looks westward. If we were to travel just a bit farther down this coast we would be in Angelsey, the island where Prince William is (was) stationed.
Llandudno has close ties with the story Alice in Wonderland. (There is an interesting research project for you.) Along the Promenade we find this statue of the Mad Hatter and throughout the town there are other references and monuments to The Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson (Lewis Carroll) and the Liddell family.
While just strolling The Promenade and watching others strolling the Promenade seems to be “the” thing to do, there are lots of other choices as well. For the more adventurous there is the rocky shore leading to the water. There are boat tours. There is a Punch and Judy puppet show (just like in Victorian times).
Tell you what. Have a look at this sign and decide which way you would like to go. (Hint: you can click on the picture to get a larger image…and read the words better.)
Me? Well, I am heading for a delightful restaurant (Candles Restaurant) where they have a delicious lemon meringue pie served with a choice of whipped cream or ice cream.
Now that you have had a taste of Northern Wales, why not join us in Southern Wales.
Laugharne, Southern Wales
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